“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”


Wheatberries - A Whole Grain to Make You Healthy

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. Wheatberries are one of the most nutrient dense food sources on the planet. The problem with today’s society is most of the wheat products you buy at the grocery store are stripped of most of their nutrients. Here at Heartland Grainery we believe in eating food as it comes from the ground. That means eating wheat that is packed with nutrition and anti-oxidants which leads to better health and longevity.

Wheat lowers the risk of diabetes

Whole wheat has a low glycemic index, meaning it does not cause a large increase in blood sugar. Conusming foods that have a low glycemic index help regulate blood sugar and insulin secretion and therefore decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Wheat reduces LDL cholesterol

While HDL cholesterol is good for you, LDL cholesterol is bad. Eating a diet rich in nutritious grains such as wheatberries is clinically proven to lower LDL cholesterol and reduce your risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Other benefits of wheatberries

  • High in Fiber which increases GI tract health

  • Weight loss and weight management

  • Improved bone strength through natural calcium and iron

  • Prevents Anaemia

“Healthy Eating Isn’t About Counting Fat Grams, Dieting, Cleanses And Antioxidants; It’s About Eating Food Untouched From The Way We Find It In Nature In A Balanced Way.”

-Pooja Mottl